Gehrkes Gink Dry Fly Floatant


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SKU: GINK-1 Category: Tags: ,


Gehrke’s Gink is now 28 years old. It is the first commercially offered, safe, dry fly dressing that floated flies repeatedly. Its’ features and functions are unique in the world of chemistry and fly fishing. Gehrke’s has a specific gravity of only .77% that of water, which means it’s lighter than water.

Gink is a light paste that turns to a liquid at skin temperature. Just squeeze a drop onto your forefinger and liquefy by rubbing against your thumb. Wipe the liquefied floatant onto the hackles, tail and wings or even the body of your fly.

Fully and unconditionally guaranteed, Gehrke’s Gink has not let one dry Fly-fisherman down . . . ever.

Additional information

Line Weight

4/5, 5/7, 7/10


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